...I can't believe it's actually been over two months since I've posted! And, unfortunately, this post is going to be pretty short. I just wanted to update everyone that I am, in fact, alive.
Travis and I had a WONDERFUL trip to New York at the end of May, and I'm still pining for the big city. I've posted probably about 200 photos to my facebook page, for those that are interested.
A week after we got back from our trip, summer theatre camp started, and that's why I've been MIA. I absolutely love my job, and it's going fantasticly, but it keeps me SUPER busy. We're talking 60 hours a week, minimum.
Even with the crazy hours, though, I couldn't be happier with what I get to do. I've got the two best counselors I could ask for, and I'm doing what I love. We've got some fabulous kids at camp, and it's been so fun to get to know them.
We've completed three weeks of camp, and so far our plays have been Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Toy Story, and Witnesses (which was a wacky whodunnit show where each witness's account of the event - a hold-up at a lemonade stand - got zanier and zanier). The shows have been hilarious, and I'm always so impressed with what the kids can do. I'm excited for the next six weeks of camp!
If you're at all interested in seeing a few photos from camp, you can go to the program's blog/website - www.dailyyouththeatre.com. I update that much more than I update my own blog right now.
I'll do my best to keep up here!